Monday, December 15, 2008


Here's loan information for ASB at RHB. You can get it at their website here.

At RHB Bank, we offer you an ASB Loan to finance the purchase of your ASB units. It provides a convenient and affordable way to grow your investment.

RHB Bank offers a high margin financing, low interest rates, flexible loan tenures, optional insurance coverage and low processing fees.

Under this loan scheme, you have the benefit of enjoying your profit distributions and bonus once they have declared (if any). Upon settlement of the loan, the ASB certificate would be returned to you.

You will find it easy to apply ASB Loan Financing. For further information, do give us a call at 03 - 9206 8118 or visit our nearest branches.

Product Features:

Interest rate for Term Loan (TL)

Loan Amount : RM10,000 to RM30,000
1 st year : BLR - 1.75%
Sub years : BLR - 1.25%
Above RM30,000
1 st year : BLR - 2.0%
Sub years : BLR - 1.25%

Overdraft (OD)

BLR + 0%

Loan Tenure

1 year to 20 years or 60 years old whichever is earlier.

Loan Amount Fixed Loan

For 100% Package
Min: RM10,000
Max: up to individual's ASB investment limit

For 95% Package
Min: RM10,450
Max: up to individual's ASB investment limit

Margin of Advance (MOA)
TL for additional / new ASB


With proof of monthly income(e.g. 1 month pay slip / other proof of income e.g. bank account statement)

Up to 95%

Without any proof of monthly income.

TL and OD for personal consumption on unencumbered ASB certificate
95% of ASB certificate

No financing

Mode of repayment
Standing Instruction (SI)

Custodian fee
Term Loan


Documents required for both Term Loan & Overdraft
Photocopy of IC
Photocopy of ASB passbook
MOA 100%: 1 month pay slip/ other proof of income e.g. bank account statement
MOA 95% or less: no proof of income is required.

Exit Fee

First 2 years : 3% of approved loan amount
3 rd to 5 th year : 1% of approved loan amount if settled by liquidation of certificates.
However, NO exit fee if settled by own funds


Below information on ASB Loan from CIMB I obtained from their website here. I'll be posting a detailed calculations and analysis of viability of using these loans for ASB. However, preliminary calculation of mine shows that you can profit from ASB loan provided that the loan is for a 10-year tenure. I'll show you my calculations in-depth in the next postings.



Use this term loan facility to buy ASB units. While you are servicing the loan, you'll be earning the annual dividends and bonuses from your ASB investment which you can use to partly pay for the subsequent year loan repayments. It's an affordable, convenient and smart way to make your money work harder.

Individuals aged 18 years and above.
Malaysian or permanent resident.

Features and Benefits
Minimum loan amount of RM10,000.
High financing margin.
Low interest rates.
Flexible loan tenures.
Low processing fees.
Insurance coverage.

Fees and Charges
Click for details on
ASB loan fees and charges.
Documentation Fee - ASB Loan / Secured Overdraft against ASNB Products RM50
All Letter of Offer - Stamping RM10
i) ASNB Charges - Purchase and Lien Certificate for ASB Loan RM50
ii) ASNB Charges - Lien Certificate for Secured Overdraft against ASNB Products RM100
ASNB Charges - Transfer from Book to Certificate RM10

Mode of payments
You can make payments via
online banking, or
Pay your monthly installments at any CIMB Bank branch, ATM and Cash Deposit Machine (CDM), or
Set up automatic payments via standing instruction.

Act now!
Print and fill up the
application form.
Visit our nearest
branch and bring the application form along with supporting documents or
Contact CIMB Bank Call Centre at 1300 880 900.

Detailed Announcement On ASB 2008 Dividends (In Malay only)

Below is the detailed announcement so far but in Malay only.

KUALA LUMPUR 15 Dis. – Permodalan Nasional Bhd. (PNB) hari ini mengumumkan pengagihan pendapatan Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) sebanyak tujuh sen dan bonus 1.75 sen seunit bagi tahun kewangan 31 Disember 2008, menjadikan pulangan keseluruhan 8.75 sen seunit.

Jumlah pengagihan pendapatan ASB adalah lebih rendah berbanding tahun lalu yang berjumlah lapan sen tetapi pembayaran bonus, sebaliknya meningkat 0.75 sen seunit daripada satu sen sebelumnya.

PNB pernah mengumumkan pengagihan pendapatan dan bonus tertinggi berjumlah 11.25 sen pada 2000, yang mana 9.75 sen bagi agihan pendapatan, manakala dua peratus adalah bonus.

Pengerusi PNB, Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid berkata, pengagihan pendapatan ASB, dana amanah berharga tetap RM1, itu dibuat berdasarkan situasi ekonomi semasa negara.

“Tahun kewangan 2008 merupakan tahun kewangan yang mencabar bagi pengurus pelaburan dana ASB berikutan krisis kewangan serta kredit dan sebagai sebuah pasaran terbuka, ekonomi dan pasaran saham Malaysia juga turut terjejas.

“Meskipun demikian, melalui strategi pelaburan yang berhemat, ASB masih mampu menjana pendapatan yang memberangsangkan,” katanya pada sidang akhbar untuk mengumumkan pengagihan pendapatan ASB di sini hari ini.

Presiden dan Ketua Eksekutif PNB, Tan Sri Hamad Kama Piah Che Othman yang turut hadir berkata, PNB sebenarnya mampu membuat agihan pendapatan ASB sebanyak 11 peratus pada tahun ini.

Bagaimanapun, sebanyak empat peratus daripada pendapatan ASB itu dirizabkan ke tahun hadapan sebagai persiapan dalam menghadapi ketidaktentuan ekonomi dunia.

Ahmad Sarji berkata, PNB memperuntukkan sebanyak RM4.22 bilion untuk pengagihan pendapatan ASB dan pembayaran bonus pula sebanyak RM678.03 juta.

Pembayaran itu akan dimanfaatkan kepada 6.56 juta pemegang unit dengan jumlah langganan sebanyak 62 bilion ASB.

Sehingga 10 Disember 2008, ASB telah memperoleh pendapatan kasar sebanyak RM5.14 bilion.

Menurutnya, pendapatan dividen syarikat-syarikat pelaburan mewakili RM3.12 bilion atau 60.71 peratus daripada jumlah pendapatan kasar manakala keuntungan daripada penjualan saham pula sebanyak RM1.58 bilion atau 30.75 peratus.

Pendapatan sebanyak RM439 juta atau 8.54 peratus diperoleh daripada pelaburan dalam instrumen jangka pendek dan pelaburan lain.

Kata beliau, pengiraan pengagihan pendapatan dibuat berdasarkan purata baki pegangan minimum bulanan bagi tempoh pelaburan sepanjang tahun kewangan ASB yang berakhir pada 31 Disember 2008.

Pengiraan bonus pula berdasarkan kepada purata baki pegangan minimum bulanan yang dimiliki pelabur dalam tempoh 10 tahun bermula dari 1999 sehingga 2008.

Pembayaran agihan pendapatan dan bonus ASB akan dikreditkan ke dalam buku pelaburan pemegang unit dan pemegang unit boleh mengemaskini buku pelaburan ASB mulai 2 Januari 2009.

Semua urus niaga bagi ASB akan ditangguhkan bermula pada 19 Disember 2008 sehingga 1 Januari 2009 bagi tujuan pengiraan pengagihan pendapatan dan bonus.

'Harus' to invest in ASB & ASN

For fellow Muslims, here's information that'll clear the air regarding your life savings in ASB. Whether can or not...

In summary, it's okay to invest your money in ASB. And it's okay to use it for Hajj. And yes, you have to pay zakat for all your investments in ASB. No running away folks.

No English translation, so I just took it from JAKIM website here.
Harus Melabur Dalam ASN dan ASB

Jawatankuasa Fatwa (JKF) Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia yang bermuzakarah bagi kali ke-80 bermula pada 1 hingga 3 Februari 2008 telah memutuskan bahawa Hukum melabur dalam Skim Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) dan Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputra (ASB) serta dividen atau bonus yang diterima adalah harus.

Oleh itu, umat Islam boleh menyertai skim pelaburan ini dan tidak perlu merasa ragu-ragu terhadap status pelaburan yang telah dibuat serta dividen atau bonus yang telah diterima.

Seramai 15 orang ahli Jawatankuasa hadir pada muzakarah kali ini dan sebanyak sebelas (11) kertas kerja telah dibincangkan pada muzakarah kali ini.

Turut hadir pada muzakarah ini ialah Timbalan-timbalan Ketua Pengarah JAKIM, Pengarah Bahagian Penyelidikan dan Pengarah Bahagian Keurusetiaan dan Perhubungan Antarabangsa JAKIM. Muzakarah kali ini juga turut menjemput pihak Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) dan Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU) Jabatan Perdana Menteri untuk memperjelaskan isu ASN dan ASB.

Sementara itu, Pengerusi JKF, Prof. Dato' Dr. Abdul Shukor bin Hj. Husin dalam ucapan aluannya berharap Jawatankuasa ini akan berperanan dengan lebih berkesan agar impak dari penubuhan Jawatankuasa dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua pihak dan akan sentiasa menjadi rujukan seluruh masyarakat Islam dalam dan luar negara.

ASNB fixed-priced unit trust funds a hit with investors

How true.. Crazy to play the market at the moment. Better put into the Amanah Saham unit trusts first. In comparison, my Public Mutual funds lost nearly 10% this year.. Cry...cry...cry...but never mind money in KWSP can only get back when I'm 55 years old, so lot's of time to recover.


AMANAH Saham Nasional Bhd’s (ASNB) fixed-priced unit trust funds launched in the past few years have proven to be big winners due to their commendable returns.

These equity-based funds, namely Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW 2020) and Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM), have achieved compounded annual growth rates of 10.78% and 6.3% respectively since the time of its launch.

ASW 2020 and ASM have been providing an annual average distribution income of 7.74 sen and 7.12 sen respectively.

To paint a clearer picture, say if an investor had placed RM100,000 in ASW 2020 10 years ago, his investment value would amount to RM251,360 today.

Similarly, by placing the same amount in the ASM fund 10 years ago, the investor would have RM173,340 today in his investment account.

ASM was launched on April 20, 2000, with an initial fund size of two billion units which were fully subscribed in 21 days.

ASM undertook its first increase in fund size two months later in June 2000 with one billion units fully subscribed in four months.

In April 2006, one billion units of the ASM open for subscription were fully subscribed in 45 minutes.

The most recent offer of ASM’s additional units was in July 2007 which saw all the 500 million units, capped at 50,000 units per investor, fully taken up in 30 minutes.

Earlier in March 2007, a total of 800 million units, also capped at 50,000 units per investor, were fully sold out in one day.

ASW 2020 also drew strong response for its subscription quota for non-bumiputra investors since its launch in August 1996.

Besides the notable payouts, both these funds have fixed prices at RM1 per unit unlike other unit trust funds, which is an attractive feature for risk-averse investors.

According to an analyst, ASNB’s strength lies in the fact that it manages a big fund and has the luxury of time.

“These two factors are crucial to beat the market at any time,” the analyst added.

To date, the fund size for ASW 2020 and ASM stands at 10.42 billion units and 7.2 billion units respectively.

This includes the additional one billion units each offered to the public last month for both these funds. In comparison to these fixed-priced unit trust funds, ASNB’s variable priced balanced fund, Amanah Saham Nasional 3 (ASN 3), did not perform as well.

ASN 3, which has a fund size of 112.91 million units, only registered a compounded annual growth rate of 3.7%.

My ASB 2008 Dividend Analysis

Now that the news is out already. This year's dividend stands at 7sen per unit as compared to 8sen per unit. That's nearly 1sen per unit down. For someone like me, this drop in dividends really matters by a few thousand already. Btw, forget about the bonuses, it only matters if you had a lot of money in ASB for the past 10 years. If you had consistent savings for let's say 3 years, count your bonus like this 3/10 X 1.75% X whatever savings you had for the past 3 years.

My analysis is perfectly simple. Based on PNB's prospectus, ASB's investment is 29.35% and 23.84% in Sime Darby and Maybank respectively. That's almost 53.19% of all ASB holdings.

Above is Maybank's performance this year. With it's fiasco in Indonesia earlier and also the credit crunch going on around the world now, no wonder the shares drop.

Sime Darby is easy, price of CPO dropped massively.

You're lucky to even get 7% is all I can say.

Till next year when dividends are announced again.

How to calculate ASB dividend and bonus

Those still confused on how to calculate your dividends this year 2008, here are some tips on how to calculate them. Found it really useful Would like to share with you guys.

Calculating Dividend

ASB dividend is computed monthly but will be distributed annually. Let's say PNB have declared that this year's dividend rate is 7%. This is how to calculate your dividend:

monthly dividend income = 0.07 / 12 x mininum balance
Annual dividend income ( this will be shown up in you balance) = sum of monthly dividend for that year

Calculating Bonus:

Bonus is given on the basis of minimum monthly bonus for the past 10 years (120 months). Bonus will be most beneficial to those who have been saving for at least 10 years. Let’s say ASB bonus is 2% this year.To calculate Bonus:

monthly bonus = 0.02/120 x minimum monthly balance

When I say montly balance, it is not this year’s months only, but including the months’ from the past 10 years.

this year bonus = sums of monthly bonus for the past 120 months

Example: Let’s say that you have invested for the past 4 years (48 months) and your average monthly balance for the past 48 months is $1000. So your bonus will be 48 x ( 0.02/120 x 1000) = $8

So that’s how to calculate the bonuses and dividends for ASB.

ps. did many grammatical corrections from the source.

ASB's 2008 payout of 8.75 sen a unit, down from 2007

That's what I thought also. ASB investments are 100% in equities. No way they can beat the market. Plus, according to Tan Sri Hamad Kama Piah Che Othman the size of the fund is getting bigger. When all other investment opportunities are gone, guess where everyone's putting their money at. At least most of bumiputeras anyway.

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 15 - Unstable market conditions have led Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB) to declare total payout of 8.75 sen a unit for the Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) for 2008, down from 9.00 sen declared last year.

The payout comprises 7.00 sen per unit in income distribution or totalling RM4.22 billion and a bonus of 1.75 sen per unit for a total of RM678.02 million for its 6.56 million unitholders who hold 62 billion units of ASB

ASN's parent company Permodalan Nasional Berhad chairman Tun Ahmad sarji said up to Dec 10, 2008, ASB has recorded a gross income of RM5.14 billion, Bernama reported today.

The dividend income from investee companies contributed RM3.12 billion or 60.71 percent of the gross income and profit from the sale of shares contributed RM1.58 billion or 30.75 percent, he said.

The rest of the income at 8.54 percent or RM439 million was derived from investments in short-term instruments and other investments.

ASB is a fixed price equity income fund, open to Bumiputeras aged 12 years and above, which is aimed at generating long-term, consistent and competitive returns to the unitholders while ensuring the preservation of capital at minimal risk tolerance level.

PNB president and group chief executive officer Tan Sri Hamad Kama Piah Che Othman said under the unstable market conditions, four percent reserves were carried to next year.

"PNB restructures its position regularly because we are a long-term fund manager. We want to maintain our performance and portfolio to consistently provide competitive returns," he said.

Last year, ASNB announced an income distribution of 8.00 sen per unit and a bonus of 1.00 sen per unit for ASB, an increase of 0.70 sen per unit compared with the income distribution of 7.30 sen per unit declared in 2006.

The bonus payout was 1.00 sen per unit in 2007 compared with 1.25 sen per unit the previous year.

The total of 9.00 sen per unit for ASB income distribution and bonus meant an increase of 0.45 sen per unit compared with 8.55 sen per unit for 2006, benefitting 6.35 million unit holders who then held 55.22 billion units of ASB.

Up to 13 December, 2007, ASB has recorded a gross income of RM5.13 billion or an increase of RM1.16 billion or 2.19 percent against RM3.97 billion in 2006.

2008 ASB Dividends Announced Today

A dividend of 7 sen per unit and a bonus of 1.75 sen per unit have been declared for Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) fund for this 2008 year.

Dividends units will be added automatically into your fund and will be available for withdrawal 2nd of January 2009.

more news coming soon on this...