Monday, December 15, 2008

How to calculate ASB dividend and bonus

Those still confused on how to calculate your dividends this year 2008, here are some tips on how to calculate them. Found it really useful Would like to share with you guys.

Calculating Dividend

ASB dividend is computed monthly but will be distributed annually. Let's say PNB have declared that this year's dividend rate is 7%. This is how to calculate your dividend:

monthly dividend income = 0.07 / 12 x mininum balance
Annual dividend income ( this will be shown up in you balance) = sum of monthly dividend for that year

Calculating Bonus:

Bonus is given on the basis of minimum monthly bonus for the past 10 years (120 months). Bonus will be most beneficial to those who have been saving for at least 10 years. Let’s say ASB bonus is 2% this year.To calculate Bonus:

monthly bonus = 0.02/120 x minimum monthly balance

When I say montly balance, it is not this year’s months only, but including the months’ from the past 10 years.

this year bonus = sums of monthly bonus for the past 120 months

Example: Let’s say that you have invested for the past 4 years (48 months) and your average monthly balance for the past 48 months is $1000. So your bonus will be 48 x ( 0.02/120 x 1000) = $8

So that’s how to calculate the bonuses and dividends for ASB.

ps. did many grammatical corrections from the source.

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